Saturday, May 26, 2007
Big Photo Gallery Update
Well after showing the site to my mom last night, I realized that the photo gallery needed a lot of work. There were no descriptions on any of the photos so she kept asking me what they were about. So I added some new navigation controls and added the ability for me to post a description about each photo. I also added a few more from last summer just to see if the gallery could handle a whole bunch of files. It can so I don't need to worry about putting too many on there.
Speaking of the photos in the gallery, the ones that are there now are temporary. They only exist for testing purposes. Next week I'll have new pictures from this summer which will take their place.
Well I think the site is ready to go, so I probably won't be working on the site's framework anymore. I don't really have the time, since I need to be packing. I haven't actually started yet. That should be a fun thing tomorrow. And with that I think I'll call it a day. I need to get into a better sleeping routine for Philmont so I should probably go to bed now so that waking up before the sun doesn't come as such a suprise. Until next time...
- Drew