Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sorry About the Comment Page

So when I got back to school I found out that the comment page, which I had worked so hard on back in May wasn't working all summer. Here I am thinking that no one ever viewed the site when actually, the page was just broken. I got it fixed so that all the comments that everyone left all summer show up now, but now that the summer's over it really doesn't do much good. Sorry I couldn't answer any of the questions that some people had for me. I feel really bad about that.

On a brighter note though, had the comment page been working it turns out that about 90% of it would have been spam. I changed the code around a little to filter that stuff out, so it should work well now. It's hard to say just how many real visitors I've had since I started the site last spring, but judging from the server logs, I'd say nearly 200 people have visited the site. Thanks for visiting and sorry again that your comments didn't get through until now.

Ultimately I had a great summer and I think that the site as a whole was a success. It was really just a test bench for some of my web endeavors. There are a lot of things that I could make better if I had the time, but I probably never will with this generation of the site. I hope to continue sharing my Philmont experiences on the web in some fashion and if I have the time this semester, I'd like to explore some of the newfound web technologies that I've discovered. Only time will tell where I'll end up.

I've only been back in civilization for a little over a week and I'm amazed at all the differences already. There's so many more people and no one even seems to care who you are. The conveniences of modern technology is nice to have, but it can be hard to adapt to a new way of life again. Civilization is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. All I can ever think is, I want to go back to Philmont!

- Drew